What a POS solution can do to YOUR BOTTOM LINE
POS Systems Have Proven That They Save More Money Than They Cost!!
Do you want to improve the speed and accuracy of your Staff?
Do you want to make more money?
Do you want to reduce loss through mistakes or disloyal staff?
Are you tired of going through piles of paperwork to get information such as wage costs, inventory levels and product turn over? Retail Point of Sale screen view
Do you put individual stickers on product?
Do cashiers ever ring in the wrong price?
Do you need to manage more than one store?
Do you want to keep customer loyalty information?
Do you need to do any “Business 2 Business” transactions?
Do you want to see how your store is doing from home?
Do you want to easily ship product to your customers?
Do you have more than one cashier lane and want to save labour costs?
Do you want to automatically give loyalty rewards as a result of past purchases?
Can you process gift certificates and customer credits quickly?
Can you detect theft quickly through inventory counts?
Can you rank all your products from best sellers to worst?

Do you think a POS is too expensive?
Windows based generic hardware keeps the cost down
A POS system can handle quick cash or detailed transactions
A POS system has unlimited reporting capability
A POS system keeps Inventory, Customer and Vendor records.
A POS system can interface with other software systems
...AND... Each station can be configured for either the classic POS menus or for Quick Service